Policy based on Resolution 40 and Notice from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
In accordance with UNECE Resolution 40 (Revision 4), citizens and residents of countries (listed below), that are signatories to Resolution 40, will be obliged to obtain an ICC from their own national issuing authority and not from IYT (with the exception of the United Kingdom, see below). The only exception for IYT to issue ICCs to citizens of these countries, is if the applicant can provide proof of residency* in a country not on this list.
For example: an Austrian National living in Spain or Greece that can provide “proof of residency” in Spain or Greece would be allowed to receive an ICC from IYT.
*Proof of residency (examples)
- Utility bill (electric or gas
- Property tax bill
- Telephone bill
- Insurance bill
IYT can issue ICCs to any other country’s citizens that are not listed below.
As of July 2023, the following countries have adopted resolution 40.
Reference: UNECE Resolution 40 document, https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2015/sc3wp3/Guidelines_to_Resolution_No._40_e.pdf
From page 4, paragraph G, # 13 and # 14:
Is it permitted for the authorities in one UNECE country to issue the ICC to the national of another UNECE country?
- In order to issue an ICC, Governments must first implement Resolution No. 40. They may then nominate competent authorities and approved bodies which can issue the certificate on their behalf. Implementing Governments may however only issue the certificate to their own nationals or residents or to the nationals of any North American country or any country that is not a member of the UNECE. The ICC may only be issued to the national of another UNECE country if they can prove they are resident in the issuing country.
- Applicants must be holders of the implementing Government’s national certificate or have passed an examination by that Government in accordance with the requirements detailed in annex 1 of the Resolution No. 40. Governments are not required to accept a national certificate issued by the Government of a different country as the basis of an ICC.
We are updating our computer system accordingly. Please ensure that candidates fall within these guidelines for our issuing policy. Those candidates who do not fall within the guidelines set forth in Resolution 40 and implemented accordingly by IYT, may however, contact their own national government for the ICC. This information is provided here by UNECE. https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2016/sc3wp3/ECE-TRANS-SC3-WP3-2016-8r1e.pdf
If you have any questions or concerns regarding ICC’s please contact Support@IYTworld.com