Don't have a profile yet? Click here for instructions on how to register.

Already have a profile? Read on...

Forgot your password?

1. Click the  icon at the top right corner of our homepage, then click Login
2. Click the Sign In tab, then Forgot login?
3. Check the Lost Password box, then fill out your username/IYT ID# and email address
4. Click the SEND PASSWORD button
5. Check your email; the system will send you an email message containing a temporary password for you to log in.
6. Log into the website with your new password. We recommend you update your password so you don't forget!

To update your password:

1. Log in to your profile
2. Click the DASHBOARD tab
3. Click the CONTACT INFO tab
4. Type in a new password and verify password
5. Click the UPDATE button

Forgot your Username?

1. Click the  icon at the top right corner of our homepage, then click Login
2. Click the Sign In tab, then Forgot login?
3. Check the Lost Username box, then fill out your email address
4. Click the SEND USERNAME button
5. Check your email; the system will send you an email message containing your IYT ID number so you can log in.

Changed your email address?

Please email us at with all of the following information so our team can assist you:

1. Your full name (first, middle, and last)
2. Your 6-digit IYT ID number
3. Your old email address
4. Your date of birth
5. Explain your situation (that you no longer have access and need to update your email)