Instructor Membership Renewal
Instructor membership is due annually.
Instructor membership should be revalidated/renewed from your
IYT Account ID/Profile as shown in the image below.

If expired, this area will be red (this example does not
expire until 2018)
You will check the box as shown and follow the prompts.

An invoice/order will be created and we will produce a new
Instructor Membership Letter listing all of the courses you are approved to
Instructor Certificate Renewal
Instructor certificates are valid for 5 years from date of issue.
Instructor certificates should be revalidated/renewed from your IYT Account/ID Profile as shown in the image below.

If expired, this area will be red (this example does not
expire until 2022)
You will check the box as shown and follow the prompts.

An invoice/order will be created and we will produce a new
Instructor Certificate.