The process for ordering ICCs has been altered to notify you if you are placing an order for a candidate who will not or may not meet the requirements as outlined in Resolution 40. 

We encourage schools to train to the level of IYT Flotilla Skipper or IYT Bareboat Skipper and order these certificates for students.  IYT Flotilla and Bareboat Skipper certificates are approved/accepted for chartering and operating vessels in many EU countries.  In fact, many authorities are now asking to see these certificates as well as the ICC certificate. 

Below is an excerpt from the notice previously sent which is also on our support site regarding changes to the ICC policy.

In accordance with UNECE Resolution 40 (Revision 4), citizens and residents of countries (listed below), that are signatories to Resolution 40, will be obliged to obtain an ICC from their own national issuing authority and not from IYT (with the exception of the United Kingdom, see below). The only exception for IYT to issue ICCs to citizens of these countries, is if the applicant can provide proof of residency* in a country not on this list.

For example: an Austrian National living in Spain or Greece that can provide “proof of residency” in Spain or Greece would be allowed to receive an ICC from IYT.

*Proof of residency (examples)
  • Utility bill (electric or gas)
  • Property tax bill
  • Telephone bill
  • Insurance bill
IYT can issue ICCs to any other country’s citizens that are not listed below.

As of July 2023, the following countries have adopted resolution 40.
Czech Republic
South Africa
United Kingdom***

**Latvia accepts the IYT MCA Recognised ICCs issued to their residents or citizens.

*** IYT has been authorized to issue ICC’s to United Kingdom Nationals for the past 16 years which are issued on behalf of the British Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Below are 2 examples of orders:
  •  1 Person on order who is a citizen and resident of one of the countries on this list. 
  • 2 People on order –
    • person 1 is a citizen and resident of one of the countries on this list – not allowed
    • person 2 is a citizen of one of the countries on this list but resident of a country not on this list – allowed on order with proof of residency


1 person on order who is a citizen and resident of one of the countries on this list.·        
  • nationality and residency in profile Austria, both of which are restricted.·        
  • There is only one certificate on the order.
School attempts to place order for an ICC for a person who is not eligible for IYT to issue certificate – based on Resolution 40 as of April 2017· 
  • School places order as usual.  ·        
  • If the candidate does not meet the requirements this NOTICE will appear in the “Cart”.
  • We do not block the school from placing the order at this point.

However, when you get to the “Payment” section of the order you will see no option for payment as IYT Certification Department must first receive and verify the order. 

This screen appears.  You must click on the “Pay after order approval” button if you wish to continue.  And, of course, click “NEXT” button.


In the “Final Cart” you will see the message once again.  You must check inside the box “I Accept The Terms & Conditions” and “FINISH” button. 

The last screen to appear in “End” will appear as shown below.

IYT certification personnel will contact the school and relay to them that the person will be removed from the order as they are not eligible for IYT’s ICC noting this statement or similar:

"The person for which you are attempting to order the IYT ICC, xxxstudent name/id# xxxxxx,  is not eligible to receive this certificate.  You should consider ordering the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate in lieu of the ICC.  They should contact their country’s maritime authority to receive an ICC.  We are terribly sorry we cannot accommodate your request.

We are removing this person from this order.  You must place a new order for this person if you would like to order the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate.“ 

The order will be cancelled if for only one person as in example above.   


2 people on order:
  1. citizen and resident of one of the countries on this list – not allowed
  2. citizen of one of the countries on this list but resident of a country not on this list – allowed on order with proof of residency ·        
  • person 1 - nationality and residency in profile is Austria, both of which are not allowed.   
  • person 2 - nationality is Austria, on the list so not allowed, BUT has approved residency in Canada which is not on the list which is allowed. 
    • HOWEVER, the proof of residency was not uploaded for IYT to verify residency.
    • It is very important to ask the candidate to upload proof of residency in order not to delay the order process.       
  • There are 2 certificates on the order.
School places order as usual.     
  • If candidate does not meet the requirements this NOTICE will appear in the “Cart”.  ·        
  • The order is not blocked from order.

However, in the “Payment” section of placing order you will see no options for payment as IYT Certification Department must first receive and verify the order will be allowed. 

This screen will appear as shown below. You must click on the “Pay after order approval” button if you wish to continue.  And, of course, click “NEXT” button.


In the “Final Cart” you will see the message once again.  You must check inside the box “I Accept The Terms & Conditions” and “FINISH” button.

The last screen to appear in “End” will appear as shown below:

Upon receipt of order, IYT certification personnel must go to the person’s profile who may be eligible based on residency and verify they have uploaded proof of residency.

  • If supplied in profile, we will approve certification on the order.
  • If not:
    • the school will be contacted to request the proof of residency for candidate be emailed to us at noting this statement or similar:

“Dear xxxxxxxx school name” the person for which you are attempting to order the IYT ICC, xxxstudent name/id# xxxxxx,  is not eligible to receive this certificate unless you can provide proof of residency in one of the countries eligible to receive IYT’s ICC.  You can find this list on our support site here:  Changes to the International Certificate of Competency (ICC), Policy based on Resolution 40 and Notice from the (UNECE)

If they are not eligible, you should consider ordering the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate in lieu of the ICC.  They should contact their country’s maritime authority to receive an ICC.  We are terribly sorry we cannot accommodate your request.

We await your reply prior to removing this person from the order.  Please be sure to reference your reply with the order number, example: 2017-13301. 

If you cannot provide proof of residency we will remove this person from the order and you must place a new order for this person if you would like to order the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate.“

If proof of residency is supplied, we will approve the person on the order. 

For those candidates on the order which do not meet the nationality or residency requirements, IYT certification personnel will contact the school and relay that the person will be removed from the order as they are not eligible for IYT’s ICC noting this statement or similar:

"The person for which you are attempting to order the IYT ICC, xxxstudent name/id# xxxxxx,  is not eligible to receive this certificate.  You should consider ordering the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate in lieu of the ICC.  They should contact their country’s maritime authority to receive an ICC.  We are terribly sorry we cannot accommodate your request.

We are removing this person from this order.  You must place a new order for this person if you would like to order the IYT Flotilla or Bareboat Skipper certificate.“

We will then send the invoice to you for payment.    

Thank you