2. Select the type of profile in the drop-down (Student, School, Instructor, or Australian Boating License Student)
3. Click Next to fill each page with your contact information
4. Headshot: Upload a photo of your face and shoulders. IMPORTANT: This photo will be printed on your ID card. Make sure the photo is straight, bright, clear, contains your whole face and head, and does not have dark shadows. No hats or sunglasses. You may smile. :)
5. Select your gender, birthday, country of birth, and nationality
6. Passport or government-issued ID card: Upload a scan (or take a very clear photo) of your passport or other government-issued ID. Be sure the full page is visible- we must be able to clearly see your name, birthday, and photo.
Once complete, the end screen will provide you with your 6-digit IYT ID number so you can log in.